Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

Ingredients Chicken Sate Lilit:

300 grams of minced chicken meat
Grated young coconut 6 tablespoons
1 teaspoon salt
Serai 12 rods (used to stalk satay) how to cut a bit of the base of the lemongrass and cut the tip size of approximately 17 centimeter, wash and drain in order to stalk rather dry.
Subtle seasoning Chicken Sate Lilit:

Red onion 6 items
3 cloves garlic
Red chili 3 pieces
Kencur 1 vertebra
Ginger 1 vertebra
Galangal 1 vertebra
Turmeric 1 vertebra
Roasted hazelnut 3 point
1/2 teaspoon pepper grains
Roasted coriander 1/2 teaspoon
1 stalk lemon grass (taken the whites)
How to Make Chicken Sate Lilit:

The initial step puree spices, you can use a blender with a little water. (Try as little as possible using water)
Furthermore dimangkuk medium size, mix the minced chicken meat, grated coconut and spices and salt, mix well.
Prepare a flat pan, put a little oil, and heat.
To test the taste, take a little batter, then cook briefly until cooked, tasted great.
If it is none the less please add other spices according to your taste.
After that grab a handful of dough, make a fist on lemongrass while slightly compacted. immediately place it on a flat pan, and do up all the dough runs out.
Cook and alternating until all sides satay cooked, remove and set aside.

Recipe Chicken Sambal Matah Sate LilitRecipes Sate Lilit Bali
Recipe Chicken Sambal Matah Sate LilitMatah sauce ingredients:

Green chili 15 items
Red chili sauce or cayenne devil 5 points
Red onion 5 eggs
Terasi 1 sachet (small size) Can use ABC brand
1/2 teaspoon salt
Lemon 1 piece (squeeze and take the water)
1 tablespoon cooking oil
How to Make Sambal Matah:

First of all slices of onion and chilli, mix in a bowl and knead by hand (use plastic or plastic gloves so your hands are not spicy).
Fried shrimp while destroyed. If it had been destroyed immediately following her oil pour the paste into a bowl of onions and peppers that have been squeezed earlier.
Add salt and lemon juice and mix well.
Typical recipe Chicken Sate Lilit Bali & Sambal ready serve while warm.
Serve chicken satay with chili matah complete it with warm rice fluffier and various lalaban customized for pleasure enhancer. Thus Recipe Chicken Sate Lilit Typical Bali and its Sambal, pretty easy right? thanks.

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